Complete Ketamine Solutions

Peptide Injections at Complete Ketamine Solutions

Complete Ketamine Solutions offers peptide injection therapy that optimizes your mental and physical wellness. We offer peptide injections for weight loss, muscle gain, anti-aging, tissue repair, and brain fog. Peptide treatment for weight loss has been shown to accelerate the loss of stubborn belly fat. Peptide therapy is also beneficial for delaying the effects of the aging process. Peptides are useful for muscle gain, tissue repair and decreasing inflammation within the body.

What are Peptides?

NAD infusion treatments nashvillePeptides are short chains of amino acids that perform like proteins and hormones. Peptide supplements support hormone balance and send commands to all of your cells. As we age, our peptide levels begin to drop. Because peptides precisely target only cells in need, peptide therapy is safe and well tolerated.

How do you know if you are Peptide Deficient?

Our educated Nurse Practitioners will diagnose and analyze any imbalance within your body through comprehensive blood testing. After analyzing your laboratory data, the NP will determine which peptides are most beneficial for you.

Benefits of Peptide Therapy

The most common peptides are Semoralin, Ipamorelin, CJC 1295 and BPC-157. These peptides stimulate your body to secrete growth hormones which regulates fat cell death, decreasing inflammation, increases lean muscle mass, and aids in obesity and autoimmune diseases management.

Commonly Prescribed Peptides & Their Benefits

CJC 1295/Ipamorelin benefits:

  • increases bone density
  • burns fat
  • increases muscle mass
  • increases sex drive
  • improves recovery and repair from injuries
  • strengthens immunity
  • improves cognition and memory function

Semoralin benefits:

  • increases muscle mass
  • improves cognitive function
  • burns fat
  • accelerates wound healing

Ipamorelin benefits:

  • decreases body fat
  • increases collagen production
  • improves sleep
  • speeds up cellular and tissue repair

BPC-157 benefits:

  • accelerates tissue healing
  • reduces inflammation
  • accelerates bone and joint healing
  • reduces the effects of autoimmune diseases

Peptide Treatment Timeline

Week 1:

  • improved sleep
  • more vivid dreams
  • wake up more refreshed

Week 2:

  • faster recovery from workouts and activity
  • faster turnaround time from excess muscle tension and overuse

Week 3:

  • improved mental clarity
  • improved focus and concentration

Weeks 4/5:

  • improved skin elasticity
  • increased collagen production
  • smoother and younger looking skin

Week 6:

  • improved body composition
  • decreased fat
  • increased muscle mass